
A Storage Place – Del Sol

San Diego, CA
A New Development
An Owned and Operated Property

  • Property Address: 3070 Del Sol Blvd, San Diego, CA 92154
  • Square Footage: 66,000 sf on 2.5 acre site
  • Number of Units: 586 storage units

The site was purchased the vacant land with approved plans in place in November 2016. Frontera reworked the plans to ensure a more efficient layout and higher gross revenue potential. Frontera broke ground on construction shortly over acquisition and delivered the project in approximately eleven months. The facility opened in October 2017.

This is a Class A facility with 66,000 square feet of rentable storage space. It is made up of a 2-story climate-controlled building and a single-story, fortress style, perimeter building. The facility offers 50% drive up units which are in high demand in this market.

The property has experienced significant lease-up activity and leased up ahead of projections. Frontera was able to take out the construction financing shortly after certificate of occupancy was achieved, and placed life company debt and a fixed rate for a 10 year term.

Frontera currently owns the property and manages it under the “A Storage Place” brand.

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